
Showing posts from January, 2021

Basic Facts About a Good Anti-Fungal Cream

    The outer envelope of the human body, the epidermal cell is made fragile due to its direct contact with many external elements.  This weakening gives the skin a certain vulnerability to epidermal diseases, in particular dermatophytosis.  This file will deal in detail with one of them, namely circinated herpes. HERPES AND CIRCINATED HERPES: COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DISEASES   Granted, herpes and circinated herpes have the same name, but that's all they have in common.  Herpes is a viral disease caused by herpes, a virus that causes genital or labial lesions.  Showing no warning signs, herpes is very common in France.  It is estimated that around 80% of adults are infected with the virus, which is the cause of cold sores in particular.  Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that affects approximately 2 million people in France.  During the first contact, genital herpes goes unnoticed, on the other hand, its manifestation is accompanied by painful signs.  It is caused by th