Basic Facts About a Good Anti-Fungal Cream


The outer envelope of the human body, the epidermal cell is made fragile due to its direct contact with many external elements. This weakening gives the skin a certain vulnerability to epidermal diseases, in particular dermatophytosis. This file will deal in detail with one of them, namely circinated herpes.



Granted, herpes and circinated herpes have the same name, but that's all they have in common. Herpes is a viral disease caused by herpes, a virus that causes genital or labial lesions. Showing no warning signs, herpes is very common in France. It is estimated that around 80% of adults are infected with the virus, which is the cause of cold sores in particular. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that affects approximately 2 million people in France. During the first contact, genital herpes goes unnoticed, on the other hand, its manifestation is accompanied by painful signs. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus. There is also herpes gestationis which only affects pregnant women. It is manifested by the appearance of pruritus followed by patches of urticaria and bubbles similar to those of genital herpes. Immune disease, it is only found in pregnant women or those who have just given birth. Unlike the herpes previously mentioned, it does not represent any danger and can be easily cured with the help of a corticosteroid-based cream.


The following dossier will only deal with circinated herpes, which is nothing more than an infection of the skin caused by small fungi.



By definition, dermatophytosis is a transmissible skin disease which is contracted by the presence of microscopic fungi: dermatophytes. From a medical point of view, this condition is included in a category of fungal infections that can affect humans, such as candidiasis, pneumocystosis, tinea versicolor, cryptococcosis or aspergillosis. The name dermatophytosis has been borrowed from that of the fungus which is responsible for this mycosis, present both on the human body and in animals: the dermatophyte. A best anti fungal cream  appreciating keratin, this fungus will lodge in areas of the body that have it. These are essentially:

  • The skin.
  • Hairs.
  • The hair.
  • The nails, or the claws in the animal.


Several factors can be at the origin of contamination by dermatophytosis:

  • Either through contact between two people or because a man has come into contact with a contaminated animal.
  • Either through contact with places where the fungus grows, such as walking barefoot in the pool or on the beach.


You should know that in general, humid and hot places are particularly appreciated by fungi.


As we mentioned earlier, dermatophytosis is one among all the yeast infections that affect parts of the body that have keratin. Among the most frequent yeast infections, there are:

  • Ringworms, that is, mycosis of the scalp.
  • Onychomycosis, or even nail fungus.
  • Tricophytes which affect the epidermis and manifest themselves by the presence of rounded spots, usually on the inside of the thighs.
  • Epidermophyties which also affect the epidermis, in which circinated herpes is classified



Dermatophyte fungi, the main cause of circinated herpes, should be categorized into 3 main groups, determined according to their origin or their host. First there are zoophilic dermatophytes of animal origin, then anthropophilic dermatophytes of human origin and finally geophilic dermatophytes that come from the soil.


From an epidemiological point of view, zoophilic dermatophytes are known to be the most common cause of circinated herpes. It can therefore be transmitted by simple direct contact with cats, dogs and hamsters. Many farm animals can also be at the origin of this contagion. This is done from contact with a contaminated animal, but can also be done with the help of objects such as house rugs. It goes without saying that farm workers who have frequent and regular contact with animals are more likely to be infected with the infection. Unlike many infections of animal origin, circinated herpes can be passed from person to person. This is the case with anthropophilic dermatophytes.


When anthropophilic dermatophytes are the cause of circinate herpes, the disease is usually spread by direct contact from infected skin to another. This is also the case for ringworm, jock itch of Hebra, also known as athlete's foot. However, it can happen that the transmission of this infection can be done indirectly. This is particularly the case when infected skin debris comes into contact with the skin of a human being. The most frequent cases are found in sports halls, swimming pools or even at the beach. The cycle of contamination can continue indefinitely from human to human, as long as the infection is not treated properly.


Although it is considered to be a probable cause of the transmission of herpes circina by geophilic dermatophytes the examples are very few. Moreover, in most cases the transmission of infection through contaminated soil is attributed to the zoophilic dermatophyte.



Following an infection, it is necessary to wait between 4 and 10 days for the signs of the presence of circinated herpes to appear. Also called mycosis of the glabrous skin, the herpes circinates will then manifest itself by rashes of circular or annular shape, the edges of which are slightly raised. In the center, the rashes are healthy in appearance, but they usually have the possibility of generating an unpleasant itching sensation. Without effective treatments and when the infection begins to gain traction, the rashes will spread. When the infection reaches a certain degree of severity, the symptoms are manifested by the multiplication of rings which meet between them. In addition, in some cases,


To diagnose circinated herpes, a simple diagnosis is enough. It is therefore not necessary to resort to additional examinations. When the infection reveals an interdigital intertrigo of the feet or an inguinal intertrigo, the treatment must be done at the same time as the circinated herpes. During diagnosis, the presence of certain species of fungi can be revealed by examination with an ultraviolet lamp. Although cases are extremely rare, it may be necessary to proceed to microbiological confirmation. This will confirm the presence of the infection, especially when yeast infections of the same type are found.


Indeed, there are certain dermatological conditions which are also manifested by the presence of annular lesions. Gilbert's pink pityriasis, for example, manifests itself as a single lesion whose appearance is very similar to that of circinated herpes. On the other hand, the first differs from mycosis of the glabrous skin by the appearance of numerous diffuse lesions such as nummular eczema, annular granuloma, candidiasis, centrifugal annular erythema, psoriasis or even lupus erythematosus.



The way to stay safe from a possible infestation by circinated herpes actually takes basic rules of hygiene. It will therefore be a question of washing hands, and more particularly when leaving public places. This same procedure is also to be carried out after having been in direct bodily contact with a domestic animal. This is valid even if the animal in question shows no signs of disease. If circinated herpes is already present, it is also recommended that you wash your hands after touching it, especially when considering touching another part of your body. Of course all its preventive measures will naturally have to be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle as well as a balanced diet.


If, despite the preventive measures previously indicated, you still contract the infection, it is essential that you quarantine yourself for at least ten days. This is to prevent your loved ones from being affected by the infection. Of course, this quarantine will be preceded by a visit to your doctor. Since circinated herpes is a mild infection, doctors usually prescribe topical antifungal therapy. However, in the presence of multiple rings, oral treatment may supplement the antifungal treatment.



It was clarified that antifungals constitute an effective remedy against circinated herpes. So there are two main ways of dealing with evil. One is based on natural elements while the other uses drugs.


As part of a natural treatment, the use of the following foods is particularly effective. Moreover, most of them, if not all have medically recognized antifungal properties:

  • Garlic, known to be a powerful antifungal, helps reduce the growth of the germ. When used to treat these kinds of cases, garlic also helps increase the capacity of white blood cells while strengthening the immune system.
  • Coconut oil, which has a particularly high content of caprylic acid. This fatty acid helps protect against the fermentation of fungi, and also helps to regulate the development of bacteria in the body.
  • Olive oil, for its high content of oleic acid, allows white blood cells to regenerate while ensuring cell development. In addition to its antifungal action, olive oil is also known to help improve the well-being of the body.
  • Ginger, which at the same level as garlic is a very powerful antifungal. It helps to strengthen immunity by eradicating the proliferation of yeasts. All its virtues are best manifested when this condiment is eaten raw or in juice, accompanied by other fruits and vegetables.
  • Chamomile is a plant that can be used both indoors and outdoors. Indeed, the contents of a sachet of chamomile can be used in herbal tea while the container can be used to make a poultice.
  • Grapefruit seeds are powerful germicides, and very effective against many viruses, bacteria and fungi. Generally, it is its extracts that are the most used, because they mainly attack the bad bacteria that work to destroy our body.
